The Sneaky Side of const in JavaScript: Redefining vs Redeclaring

The Sneaky Side of const in JavaScript: Redefining vs Redeclaring


2 min read

In JavaScript, we have three ways to declare variables: var, let, and const. While var and let are relatively straightforward, const has some nuances that can catch developers off guard. Specifically, there is a difference between redeclaring a const variable and redefining it, and the consequences can be surprising.

const basics

First, let's review the basics of const. When you declare a const variable, it is bound to the value it is initialized with, and cannot be reassigned:

const myVar = 'Hello';
myVar = 'World'; // Uncaught TypeError: Assignment to constant variable.

Attempting to assign a new value to a const variable in the same scope will result in a TypeError. This behavior is intentional, as it helps to ensure that const variables are truly constant within their scope.

redefining const variables

However, redefining a const variable in a different scope is allowed in JavaScript. For example:

const myVar = 'Hello';
if (true) {
  const myVar = 'World'; // This is allowed
  console.log(myVar); // 'World'
console.log(myVar); // 'Hello'

In this example, we define a const variable myVar with the value 'Hello'. Then, within an if block, we declare a new const variable also named myVar with the value 'World'. This is allowed because the two variables are in different scopes. The inner myVar variable effectively "shadows" the outer myVar variable, and can be initialized with a different value.

When the code runs, the inner myVar variable is in effect within the if block, so console.log(myVar) outputs 'World'. Outside of the if block, the outer myVar variable is in effect, so console.log(myVar) outputs 'Hello'.

redeclaring const variables

On the other hand, attempting to redeclare a const variable in the same scope will result in a SyntaxError. For example:

const myVar = 'Hello';
const myVar = 'World'; // Uncaught SyntaxError: Identifier 'myVar' has already been declared

This is because const variables are block-scoped, like let variables, so attempting to redeclare a const variable in the same scope is like declaring a variable with the same name twice. This is not allowed in JavaScript.


In conclusion, the difference between redefining and redeclaring const variables in JavaScript can be subtle, but it's important to understand. Remember that redefining a const variable by declaring a new variable with the same name in a different scope is allowed while redeclaring a const variable in the same scope is not. By keeping this in mind, you can avoid some of the sneaky pitfalls of const and write more reliable, bug-free code.


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